In light of the release of the mask mandate for Leon County, we want to update our recommendations as you join us at church this week. Our goal has been and will continue to be using caution to protect our at-risk members and attendees. MASKS: While not required, we would recommend that masks still be worn while entering and exiting the building and in other times when distancing is not possible. Once seated and/or distanced, those that feel comfortable doing so may remove their masks. SANITIZING: We will continue to wipe down high-traffic areas; hand sanitizing stations are availabe throughout the building; and touchless handwashing is available in the restrooms. SOCIAL DISTANCING: We will continue to keep the distancing markers in place for the time being, so please help us by not sitting directly in front of or behind another family. KIDS CHECK-IN/PICK-UP: Our updates to pick-up and drop-off have been working effectively and smoothly and will continue to operate in this manner going forward. Please help us by keeping the pick-up areas open for our KIDS families. We love and value our church family and want to thank you for helping us maintain a safe and welcoming place to serve and worship! CHURCH FAMILY UPDATE 9/18/2020
We are excited to share with you the final details about the reopening plan for Seminole KIDS! Every aspect of the reopening has been evaluated and re-evaluated so that we can continue to provide a safe, clean, and fun atmosphere! Please let me know what questions you have! REOPENING DATES: 0-3 Year Olds: THIS Sunday, September 20 4 Year Olds-5th Graders: Sunday October 4 At this time, we will only be offering activities for children during the 10:45 AM worship service on Sundays. We will only be using classrooms one time during the week to allow ample time for rooms to be adequately sanitized and reset. CHECKING IN: Our new check-in system was well underway long before the pandemic began and we are excited to unveil this new feature which will greatly increase the safety of our little ones. Below are the steps to get your child where they need to go! Volunteers are ready to assist you when you join us on Sunday!
PICKING UP: Our pick-up procedure has also been updated to assist with social distancing and keep the halls and classrooms clear and easy to navigate! To reduce cross-contamination, we will not have kids cued in the stairwell, so please allow a couple extra minutes for pick-up.
CLASSROOM UPDATES: To assist with keeping rooms safe and kids and leaders healthy, we have restructured the nature of our kids programs. Below are some of the changes that will guide us until further notice.
If you have any questions or if we can assist you in any way, please do not hesitate to reach out! We are excited to see the little faces we have missed so much! CHURCH FAMILY UPDATE 8/21/2020
Pastoral staff has met often to carefully and prayerfully consider the expansion of our current activities schedule. Since Labor Day is on September 7, we have decided that, in the best interest of safety, we should wait fourteen days after that holiday to begin to regather in some of our smaller group meetings. Please note the recommended schedule of activities below, and be much in prayer for the church as we try to reestablish some of our other ministry meetings. Sunday Mornings Late August/Early September:
Sunday, September 20, 10:45-11:45 AM: (NEW CHECK-IN/CHECK-OUT PROCESS)
Wednesday, September 23, 6:15-7:00 PM:
Wednesday, September 23, 7:05-8:00 PM:
Sunday, October 4: 10:45-11:45 AM: (NEW CHECK-IN/CHECK-OUT PROCESS)
Tuesday, October 13
No outside groups will use the buildings until further notice. CHURCH FAMILY UPDATE 7/4/2020
Last Sunday we had a wonderful time of worship in God’s house with many of you in person and with many more via our first live-stream! We hope that you were blessed! Last week’s success would not have been possible without your help! Looking forward to worship tomorrow, here are some helpful reminders: DOORS CLOSED UNTIL 10:30/WORSHIP AT 10:45: To help limit exposure and the spread of germs, the doors to the building will not open until 10:30. Thank you for waiting to join us until this time! FOOD/CLOTHING DONATIONS PAUSED: We will not be accepting donations for the Food Pantry or any other personal items at this time. The pantry is stocked and we have been able to distribute several items during the pandemic. MASK CHECK: Help us by making sure your mask covers your nose and mouth while inside the building. SEATING: Seats are available at the end of every other pew. Please help us by leaving the spacers in place to provide adequate social distancing. VOLUNTEER PARKING/ENTRANCE: All volunteers will enter at 10:15 through the designated entrance on the south side of the building facing the interstate at 10:15. Help us by also parking on the same side of the building to provide closer parking for those who need it. PLEASE STAY HOME IF YOU OR SOMEONE IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD...
SEMINOLE KIDS (BIRTH-5TH GRADE): Kids will join their families in the sanctuary where we will provide an activity sheet and crayons for each age level. The service will also be a little shorter to accomodate younger attention spans. ACCESS THE LIVE-STREAM FOR “AT-HOME” WORSHIP: To access the live-stream, visit the "Family Worship" page. The stream will go LIVE at 10:30 AM with a 15-minute countdown. This will give you time to make sure you are in the right place and that your volume is working before the service begins at 10:45. If you can’t join us at 10:45, the live stream will also be available once the service concludes. CHURCH FAMILY UPDATE 6/25/2020
We have missed seeing you so very much and are ready to say "Welcome Home!" With the present pandemic situation continuing to shift daily, we want you to know that we are staying up-to-date as information changes. In preparation for Sunday, below you will find some of the measures we are taking to help keep you safe as we worship together. Please help us by following these guidelines if you choose to participate with us in-person this week. For those that are not ready or who have health concerns for themselves or a family member, please worship with us online at
Social Distancing:
Doors Open at 10:30; Worship at 10:45:
Seminole KIDS (Birth-5th Grade):
Accessing the LIVE-Stream from Home:
We love our church family so much and we cannot wait to say, "Welcome Home!" CHURCH FAMILY UPDATE 6/20/2020
We are so excited to officially announce that in-person worship will be resuming on Sunday, June 28! Our team has been hard at work making sure that we have still been able to connect and share in worship together while we have been apart! We will have more details next week about what our worship services will look like, but here are some details we can share with you now! New Service Time: When we come back together for worship, at least temporarily, we will continue meeting at 10:45 AM as we have done since March 22 online. Building Sanitization Improvements: We have evaluated every area of the building and beginning next Sunday you will notice the following measures have been taken:
Live Streaming Capability: Beginning June 28, we will live stream the worship service so that those who choose to remain at home can experience worship with us as one church family! There are many in our congregation that need to be more cautious than others about public gatherings, and that is fully understood. As your pastor, I encourage you to do what is best for you and your family. In preparation of our first week back you will notice that we have begun testing our new system. This Sunday (June 21) you will notice a significant improvement with the addition of 2 new cameras, a production overhaul, and a complete reworking of our audio recording capture. With these improvements, those worshipping from home will experience more of the quality that is experienced in-person. While we are so excited to be back together next week, we hope that these improvements will provide a safer environment for every member of our church family, and that those who still need to stay at home will feel more connected to the church body! We love you all and have missed you so much! We cannot wait to say, “Welcome home!” CHURCH FAMILY UPDATE 3/21/2020
We have been working on a brand new resource that will enable your entire family to worship from home and do Bible study together! Simply visit the Family Worship page from ANY computer or device. Once there, you will put in the password: family (all lowercase). This new collection of resources is in 2 parts: PART 1: Beginning Sunday morning we will publish the entire worship service with music from our worship team, a message from God's Word from Pastor Gary, and a time of prayer and response. Once on the "Family Worship" page, click on "Watch Now". You will be redirected to our ministry YouTube page where you can view each week's service beginning this Sunday, or view past sermons. PART 2: Also on the "Family Worship" page you will find weekly-updated Bible study resources for every member of the family (preschool, kids, students, and adults). These resources are available NOW, so feel free to try everything out. If you have ANY issues accessing these resources, please contact John Paul Linton so we can help you troubleshoot any issues you may encounter. It is our prayer that these resources will help us maintain a spirit of unity as a church family while we are apart, and provide tools that will engage your family in conversations about God's Word as you study together. The church is not a building, a place, or an hour time-slot on Sunday mornings...WE as followers of Jesus...are the Church! Let's continue to serve Him in this difficult time! We love YOU, church family! STAY CONNECTED: "Like" us on Facebook and join the conversation as we worship together Sunday morning! CHURCH FAMILY UPDATE 3/17/2020
We have continued to stay informed about the spread of the Corona Virus (COVID-19). Our staff has met and evaluated every aspect of our ministry life at Seminole Baptist. Below you will find details about the most recent changes. Beginning this Sunday, until further notice, we will plan to worship through online venues only. More details will come at the end of the week. HOW WE ARE MAKING THE TRANSITION:
As the news and effects of the Corona Virus (COVID-19) continue to unfold, we as a church want to take a balanced and prepared approach. We want to first remember that God tells us in 2 Timothy 1:7, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." While we do not want to act out of fear, we want to also use discernment to protect those that God has called us to shepherd. We are staying up-to-date with information from local officials and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Thankfully there are currently no confirmed cases in Leon County, however, in light of the developing situation, we are evaluating every current activity and will update our schedule as needed. Here are some helpful reminders as we move forward this week. HELPFUL INFORMATION
SICK CHILD POLICY (For ALL Seminole KIDS Classrooms/Activities) Because we are all susceptible to catching the flu, colds, and other viral infections, if your child has been in contact with someone who has a *communicable illness themselves or is exhibiting one or more of the following symptoms, we cannot permit them into the classroom at this time:
Thank you for helping us stop the spread of infection for the children and volunteers of Seminole KIDS. *Communicable Illnesses: Please be aware that many of these illnesses (i.e. chicken-pox, measles, etc.) carry an incubation period. If there is ANY chance that your child has been exposed within the last week to an illness, please do not place your child in the class today. This is for your child’s protection as well as others. |